All the course activities are scheduled to be in-person activities this semester.

Week 1 [Mon, Jan 13th] - Admin

This is the Admin tab of this week. It contains admin info relevant to this week.

A label with the icon indicates the deadline for that task (e.g., Friday 2359).

  1. Set up the tools before the lecture
  2. Submit the pre-course survey by Friday 2359
  3. Learn about the course
  4. Attend the first lecture

1 Set up the tools before the lecture

  • Follow the tool Preparation instructions given in the following panels.

Admin Programming Language

2 Submit the pre-course survey by Friday 2359

  • Submit the pre-course survey (compulsory because it collects some important information about you e.g., your GitHub username.) -- will be open on Canvas, by Week 1 Monday.

3 Learn about the course

You can use the button in a panel to open it as a new tab (it can be expanded in-place too). This feature is available only for panels containing another full page of the website (i.e., not available if the panel contains an extract of a page).
  • Read the following admin info about the course.

Admin Course expectations and topic levels

Admin Weekly schedule

Admin Course overview

4 Attend the first lecture

  • Attend the first lecture on Fri, Jan 17th (compulsory).

Admin Lectures

+ Other info relevant to this week:

FAQ Where is everything?

Admin tP: Forming Teams

Admin Textbooks

Admin Grade Breakdown

Admin Participation Marks

FAQ What are the extra requirements to get an A+?