All the course activities are scheduled to be in-person activities this semester.

Week 1 [Mon, Jan 13th] - Summary

OK, I'm here. What am I looking at? What should I do next? ...

This is the Summary tab of the weekly schedule page of this week. It contains a summary of the week, and announcements relevant to that week.

In each week, you are expected to go through all the tabs for that week (i.e., Topics, Admin Info, ...) given at the top of the weekly schedule page and follow the instructions in them. FYI, a full timeline is available too.

Before you move to other tabs, take note of any important information in this summary tab, such as announcements relevant to this week.

This week, there are things for you to do before the upcoming lecture (refer the above tabs for details).

Now, some announcements relevant to this week ...

  • Our first lecture will be on Fri, Jan 17th .
  • Our tutorials start in week 2 (a bit earlier than usual, due to CNY holidays in week 3).
  • If you are bookmarking the course website in your browser, bookmark the URL (i.e., the base URL, without pointing to any specific page).
    Reason: This base URL will take you to the schedule page of the current week automatically.


  • No topics allocated to this week.


  1. Set up the tools before the lecture
  2. Submit the pre-course survey by Friday 2359
  3. Learn about the course
  4. Attend the first lecture